Like its namesake, this is a case that’s all about going the distance. Built for the knocks and bumps and unexpected curves the world delivers, Rally is a clear winner for those who prefer to go the clean and simple route for their phone protection.

A revolution in technology that has resulted in a case more resistant to scratches, nicks, and scuffs.

How can something so exceptionally lightweight provide such incredible protection?

iPhone 11:
H 6.13 x W 3.17 x D 0.48 in / H 15.58 x W 8.06 x D 1.21 cm | .1 lbs/.044 kg
iPhone 11 Pro:
H 5.85 x W 3.00 x D 0.47 in / H 14.86 x W 7.61 x D 1.19 cm | .09 lbs/.041 kg
iPhone 11 Pro Max:
H 6.41 x W 3.24 x D 0.48 in / H 16.28 x W 8.23 x D 1.23 cm | .11 lbs/.049 kg